Friday 18 May 2012


What the heck is Matrix Repatterning?                                                                        Tues. May 15,2012

I personally have never in my life hear of such a thing as Matrix Repatterning until 2 days ago.
A friend from work told me about her neighbour that has been going to school and learning about this therapy.  And it may help my infertility.
Her name is Margaret.  She is currently a massage therapist in Welland. She found out about Matrix Repatterning during a weekend massage therapy seminar in Toronto.
Margaret was so excited about this new therapy, that she immediately enrolled in a class and went home, told her husband she was quitting her job to start her own business as a Matrix Repatterning Practitioner.
She has finished all of her studies,  all of the workshops and has completed and passed her final exam.  All that's left to do is her thesis.  This is where I come in.

When I received the phone call from my friend I was a bit leery.  Like I said, I have never heard of any kind of therapy like Matrix Repatterning.  I made the call to Margaret to find out how this therapy could benefit me. As soon as I heard Margarets voice I could tell she was very passionate about this therapy.  I was on the phone with her for almost 20 minutes just hearing what the Matrix was all about.  She said she could have rambled on forever.  She gave me the website to check out too.  I spent about 1 hour going through and learning what Matrix Repatterning was all about, after our phone call.
Basically, she needed a BODY to work on to complete her thesis and recive her degree.  I was to be her guinea pig, if that was okay by me.  After hearing all about the miracles Matrix could do.  I was IN!!  I made an appointment for the next day.

Matrix Repatterning is a revolutionary new way of understanding, objectively assessing and gently treating the body.  It is in use around the world by chiropractors, physical therapists, sports medicine specialists, vets, massage therapists, athletic therapists and trainers.  It is a clinically-proven form of manual therapy based on sound scientific principles that restores structural balance, eliminates pain and improves overall health by resolving the problem at its source.  Literally at the molecular level.

Research has demonstrated that the physical effects of many injuries, such as falls, car accidents, sprains, strains, and sports injuries are absorbed by the dense core structures of the body, which include the bones of the skeleton and the fluid-filled organs (which react like water balloons upon impact).  The cells within these structures expand and become rigid with injury.  This is referred to as a primary restriction. A primary restriction causes the surrounding tissues, including muscles, ligaments, joints and other soft tissues to become strained and painful.  These symptomatic areas are usually the ones treated with most other forms of therapy, however, since the source of the injury within the core structures has not been addressed, this provides only short term relief and the condition tends to return.
Matrix Repatterning directly addresses the root of the problem, allowing for profound changes and lasting results.

The goal of Matrix Repatterning is to release primary restrictions in order to relive pain and restore normal function.
Everyone has had some kind of damage to a body part.  Stubbing a toe, breaking an arm, hitting your head, falling down stairs.  A sports injury.  As a child, falling off of a bicycle and hitting your groin. Twisting as ankle while running, etc, etc.
Matrix Repatterning will help heal all of the damage caused by these injuries that have physically affected the structural balance of the body.

Conditions associated with structural imbalance are,

headaches and migraines
head injury and concussion
dizziness and ear noise (tinnitus)
joint problems
snoring and sleep apnea
neck and upper back pain
low back pain
shoulder and arm pain
carpal tunnel syndrome
digestive complaints
gastro-esophageal reflux (GERD)
cardiovascular conditions
menstrual pain
urinary incontinence
erectile dysfunction
postural imbalance
hip, knee, ankle, foot pain
chronic pain
and apparently infertility

Matrix Repatterning is a clinically-proven method, which has been shown to resolve many of these conditions.

This video shows how Matrix Repatterning works.

Soo excited for my first appointment.  I'll keep you updated as to my progress.

Keep Well,

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