Tuesday 22 May 2012

Matrix Repatterning Treatment One

                                                                                                                            Tues. May 22, 2012
Wow, what an experience!
When the entire treatment was over I felt like I had a whole body relaxation massage, without the massage part.
I found out tonight that I am very in tune with my body, electrically.  I am still vibrating a bit.

I arrived at Margaret's home (that's where she has her practise) at 7pm.  We first discussed the paperwork that she had given me during her assessment of me last week.  It was mostly about past injuries and my medical history and if I had any current pain anywhere on my body.

At about 7:30pm she began the treatment.
I was laying down on her massage table all nice and relaxed.  Margaret tested my teeth area and legs areas to see which one had the largest amount of injury, and to see which area was the weakest and which area she was going to work on first.  She held one hand just below my right rib cage and the other moved around her electrically charged rectangular metal piece (sorry still don't know proper term).  She would gently push on my ribs while holding the metal over different areas of my mouth and  legs.  My ribs went really squishy when she held the metal to my mouth area.  She began to work on them first.

With gloved hands she pressed gently on both sides of my bottom teeth inside my mouth and held that position for maybe 30 seconds to 1 min.  depending on how the energy flowed.  Then she checked again with the metal and ribs.  They were now more solid, no squish.  It worked!  Just gentle pressure on specific parts of the body activated my brain to tell my body to heal itself.
Margaret found that the left side of my lower mouth, mostly the jaw bone,  needed work so she focused on that area for a little while longer.  Then checked again for solid pressure on my ribs while holding the metal over the left of my mouth.  If she would have found a small area that felt squishy on my ribs, she would stop and work on that area with gentle pressure of her fingers again until that area felt solid on my ribs.  My mouth/lower teeth area was worked on for maybe 5-7 minutes total.  They seem to have reacted fairly quickly to the matrix repatterning pressure.  My entire mouth was checked again to make sure all of the problems had been corrected.
I remember one time at the dentist when I was in my 20's, the dentist had so many instruments in  my mouth that i gagged and one of his tools cut the inside of my left cheek when I automatically moved my head to the right because of the gag reflex.  Maybe that's why my left mouth area needed more attention than my right!

Next was my right leg.

I was told to relax and lay down my left leg and bend my right knee.  Margaret began to locate in a lot of detail where the problem areas were throughout my entire right leg.  From the thigh, right down to the tip of my toes.  As she began to put pressure and treat specific areas of my right leg, she would hold that pressure for 1 minute or so.  I wasn't counting, I'm just guessing, I was to go on a mini mind vacation and relax during the entire process so my body could focus on starting to heal.  Every point on my leg gave a different part of my body an electrical jolt which I felt quite intensely.  Sometimes I felt jolts in my left leg, sometimes my chest, head  and sometimes, a lot of the time my left pelvis area and sometimes I felt even different parts of my back and  digestive area.    I found out that I have an extremely sensitive electrical current running through my body that I can feel very easily.
At one point she was working on my big toe.  She asked my if I felt that " popping".  Most definitely I did.  Well, that was my toe moving back to its original position.  Omg, it felt so weird and awesome all at the same time.  I remember stubbing that toe when I was younger!
When my lower leg was being pressurised I felt my right knee "popping" back into place as well.
Another time when my knee was being worked on I felt a jolt in my left back.  I can't even remember if and when I had an injury in that area.  But I must have cause I felt the electricity move there.  I actually had to adjust how I was laying a bit so the area was less painful.  The slight pain didn't last long though.

Through the entire pressure points that were being worked on, on my right leg, I continuously felt both of my arms, which were laying relaxed at my sides, tingling. Especially my fingers and forearms.
In years past I used to crack my knuckles and are now left with baby fingers on both hands with enlarged knuckles, so they kind of look like a pregnant worm.  Weird visual, but that's the best way I can explain it.
I'm hoping that the Matrix might correct this, or if this is a permanent damaged issue, but who knows, I'll find out soon enough I'm sure.

Even after the treatment of my right leg was finished, which was for about 1 hour or so, I still felt like I was 'floating' and 'vibrating'.  Margaret stopped the treatment there, after she checked and rechecked every area that she had manipulated for the solid ribs.
I had a lot going on there.  Did I ever!  I was so relaxed.  I could have fallen asleep.

I was explained that my brain was getting all kinds of signals now about past injuries and to now tell my body to start healing itself because it had just been retaught to do so.
I was given a small bag of dead sea salts for my bath that I was told to have tonight to rid my body of all of the toxins that had been resurfaced.  I was also given a bottle of cold water to help move out the toxins so I can help out my body to get rid of them through my urine.  I never drink anything cold fast, but that bottle of water was gone in the first 10 minutes after my treatment.

I have a little bit of a headache now and was a bit cold during my drive back home and I continue to feel the vibrations even throughout writing this post.  What a neat feeling.  My entire nervous system was just 'lit up'.

I highly recommend Matrix Repatterning for the simple reason that I felt first hand... it works.  Its a natural method of healing that works.  Omg, my toe bone was put back in its place by itself with simple gentle pressure to my foot.  All I have to say so far is WOW!!!  And I've only just begun.

Until next time,
Stay Well,

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