Thursday 10 May 2012


Ugh! Cold sores, fever blisters, sun blisters, whatever you may call them, I am one of those lucky people that was prone to getting embarrassing cold sores.  I'm sure it was passed down from the genes of my mother, as I've noticed that she get these nasty little cold sores too.
I have for many years now looked for a natural way to heal them.
I have researched like crazy, because I just wanted to be rid of these little horrors on my face.
I've tried many different over the counter creams and lotions and potions.  I didn't however get a pharmaceutical prescription from my doctor, because I don't want any added man made chemicals on my face, or in my body, the natural way to go is the only way in my opinion.
As a last resort I searched the Internet for problem/solution websites.  I came upon several that guaranteed to never get the terrible looking, painful,cold sores again.  Oh yeah!  Sceptical!!!

Well, finally one captured my interest, maybe out of desperation!  I began using this product and now about 2-3 years later...... I have finally caught the attention of myself and noticed that this product has actually worked for me.  In the past  year I have only had maybe one outbreak, in the entire year.   Which is totally FANTASTIC!!  And this breakout wasn't even very large and  healed quickly.  If and when I do get a breakout now,  which is very few and far between, I can't even remember when my last breakout was, I dab on this product I found on the net called CHORAPHOR.  It is a topical skin antiseptic.  It is an all natural remedy that contains cupric salts and herbal extracts.  This product was right up my alley, since I am all about natural everything. Check it out at

In past years I used to get one to three cold sores every month especially when I was under a lot of stress with work.  And especially during holiday times as I work in retail.  Or for any other possible stressful time in my life or time of the month.  So for years, in almost every holiday photo, there I was with a big red mark on my lip.  Sometimes, even after eating a milk chocolate bar, I would have a break out!!  So no more of those.
This Choraphor did slow down the amount of times and duration of my cold sore outbreaks.  Yeah! Some relief was in sight.

Another thing I have noticed is, that since I became vegetarian, about 5 years ago, I haven't had as many breakouts.  I guess my body doesn't have to work as hard digesting all of those fatty meats and takes more time to heal other parts.  I also try to not let stress get the better of me.  As these are huge cold sore triggers for me.

I was so desperate to finally clear up my problem for good, that I started looking into natural ways to heal as well.
I've read from many different sources, that L- LYSINE was very good and helped.  I always have a bottle in my cupboard now, just in case.
Today,  if ever I happen to get that tingly sensation on my lips again... I immediately take 2 Lysine, and rub some Super Lysine + lip cream on that part of my lip.  And voila, no outbreak yeah!

If I ever happen to get another cold sore anytime, I know I have the Choraphor to fall back on. I remember when I first ordered this product via the Internet, the company claimed that one would be cured before even going through the entire 12ml bottle.  They were right!  At least for me anyway.  I have had this bottle for quite some time now and  I still have about 1/3 of the liquid left.  I paid about $100, but has been well worth every penny to have my beautiful non blotched  up lips free and clear of any outbreak.   Yes, this liquid stings a bit once dabbed onto a sore lip, but again totally worth it, and the stinging means its working.

There were a few other triggers mentioned in my readings.  Chocolate, nuts, seeds, alcohol, caffeine, sickness,  smoking, stress, allergies, menstruation and excessive sun exposure.

Well, no wonder I used to get a lot of these cold sores..... I used to live in a house with a smoking parent, where I got sick a lot, and who caused me stress which led me to eat comfort foods like chocolate, Ugh!!

I have now had less of a  problem since I have moved out of my parents home, changed my chocolate intake to dark chocolate (at least 70% cocoa) and I don't eat a lot of it.  Just a few pieces once a month or so.  I've never really had a problem with nuts and seeds and eat them whenever I want to without any issues.  Luckily I don't have any known allergies so that's never been a problem for me. I only have an alcoholic drink every now and again.  And I don't drink any beverages that contain caffeine.  Maybe the odd coffee here and there.  I have had plenty of exposure to the sun over the years, and I am happy to say that it is no longer an issue for me either.  When we travelled to our cottage up North, I used to get an outbreak every year.  Now I don't.  I also now watch more with what I eat, meals full of fruit, veggies, whole grains and live bacterial culture filled yogurt, to keep my immune system healthy.  And I exercise now too.  Since my diet and lifestyle change I hardly get sick any more.  The most I ever have is a runny nose. ( I like to take oregano oil if and when I get sick, but that's another story)
I'm happy to say I am finally rid of the cold sores that have been haunting me for far too many years.

Eat Well

1 comment:

Scofio morgan said...

I was cured___________Sure Treatment for herpes!!

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