Tuesday 29 May 2012

Matrix Repatterning Treatment Three

                                                                                                                 Tuesday May 29, 2012

Today's treatment session started out the same as the last two.  But this time I came prepared.  As it has been 5 days since my last treatment I was sure to record some of my symptoms as they had occurred.
Margaret recorded pertinent information as I began to ramble on.
The evening after my last treatment I noticed that my left ankle had swollen quite a bit.  As you can see by the picture below.  I couldn't  make out my ankle bone with my foot bone, I was just all puffy.

My body was remembering the injury and now was reacting like this to heal it properly.
Margaret manipulates the bones, she tells me, which gives the body the go ahead to recognise old injuries and  now is able to heal.
The next morning, I felt a bit of pain in my right wrist, right shoulder, but these didn't last long, only a few minutes. And my left ankle was still swollen.   I was told the swelling, although not severe but noticeable, could last anywhere from 3 to 6 WEEKS.  Yikes!  Oh well, at least I know that this is an indication that Matrix Repatterning is working and my body is truly healing itself; what it is meant to do anyway.
Saturday I had a bit of a soar neck, swollen left ankle still and of all things I stubbed my baby right toe! Ugh!!
I'm sure Margaret will not be happy with me about that.  Or maybe she will be as she knows she can easily fix me.
I was asked how I was sleeping at night and if I had trouble getting to sleep.  I answered that yes I do now wake up at night a couple of times tossing and turning, where before the treatments began I was sleeping through the entire night.  And also now I have a hard time falling asleep too.  I'm up until almost midnight before I fall asleep.  I try to read in order to make myself tired enough to finally close my eyes, but nevertheless, the midnight hour soon approaches.  In the morning I wake up around 6:30 - 7:00am where before I could have easily slept in until 9am or so.  Margaret says this is happening because at every treatment session, my entire nervous system is being lit up.  I guess I'm kind of a light bulb on full power all of the time now, healing like a mad person.   What a wondrous thing our body is!

Okay, on with today's treatment.  As I lay on the massage table trying to find my happy place, Margaret begins working on my silly stubbed right baby toe.  She finds that the area right beside my toe on the outside of my foot is actually more damaged than the toe itself.  Who would have thunk!  Anyways, she fixed me right up.  As she was barely applying the first amounts of pressure, wouldn't you know it, my left arm just resting at my side on the table started to twitch again, already!  I am still shocked at how aware I am of  the electricity running through my body.  Maybe that's why I always get shocked so much pushing the carts at the grocery store.  Hmmm!
During the 5 minutes or so, that she finished with my silly toe, I still continuously felt pressure by my left pelvis area as I had during the first two treatments.  Still healing and releasing tension I'm sure.

Next she moved onto my left leg once again to finish up where she had left off last week.  She knew it needed more work.  My foot and ankle were still her main focus.  She had checked to see where the problem areas were with her handy dandy electrical metal thing and the indicator.
As she manoeuvred her hands in specific locations throughout my left foot and ankle  I felt the clicking in my big toe again as it moved back into place and in my ankle and again in a different part of my ankle.  My left arm continuing to react to every pressure point being pushed on, twitching like crazy, and I even felt some tingling on and in my left ear as my left foot was being treated.  At one point, Margaret placed one hand under my heel and the other hand on the top of my foot, as she placed gentle pressure she began to compress my foot together and there I went again another big click and my foot went back to its original normal position.  She says there were many little clicks happening I just didn't feel all of them this time as much.  Maybe I'm getting used to it.
When the bones receive an injury, ( like my left foot getting caught in the back wheel of a bicycle in motion ) for some reason they enlarge, ( maybe to absorb the injury?? as this may be the body's way to band aid the situation ) so my foot now was being manipulated back to where it was always supposed to be by the use of Margaret's healing hands.  As she had treated my left foot I felt light pressure in my right ankle too.  The body is all connected right.  Ahh let the Healing continue!!  
While still on my left leg, the scar tissue on my left ankle from my bicycle injury years ago was being repaired as well.  Normally if anything slightly hits or touches the scarred area, I twinge, cause it hurts.  Today, because Margaret worked on fixing  my bones first, she says that she works on the bones and the body works on healing the connective tissues.  Now because she worked on my left outside ankle bone,  which was the centre for my pain in that scarred area, whenever she touched it today, it didn't hurt at all.  Actually at the end of the session she showed my how she treated  the scarred area.  She held her two thumbs, tip to tip, on one part of the scar and placed slight pressure as she tried to separate her thumbs, but making sure not to.  I could actually see right in front of my eyes, her thumbs were being moved apart as the scar tissue stretched apart.  OMG!  sooooo cool!  After treating all of the areas of my left foot and ankle, she used her electric metal device once again to make sure all was now well.  The indicator would show some strength not squish.

I was told that the legs and feet were the first to be treated as a new patient as they ground us electrically.  No ground = no current circulation.  Then the head which is the power and then the rest of the body are to be treated in that order.  Now when the power/head is worked on, this may trigger lots of emotions as all of the past emotions are now going to come out.  Also what may trigger are other problem areas in the legs again that may arise that may have been  hidden, by the head.

Margaret then checked the rest of my left leg, worked on my left knee a bit, rechecked it to make sure all was well before moving on to check my right knee again.  She treated my right knee for another bit, correcting more issues.  My lower arms were tingly again joined by my last two fingers on each hand and my right arm twitched now a bit to join my left arm. After a quick recheck of my right knee all was well again.

My pubic bone was the next to be treated.
Before my treatment was to begin.  Margaret measured with her fingers on my clothed body, how long from the top to the bottom of both sides of my pubic bones were to each other.  She measured that the left pubic bone was significantly larger than my right side.  Maybe about 1/8 inch larger.  Which is quite the difference when they are supposed to be the same size.  When my groin hit onto my bike as a child, this was more than likely the cause of this bone to have been larger, so Margaret told me.
I found out that the rib area that is pushed on, to feel if it is squishy or has some give when a certain area of my body had the electrical metal on it, is called the indicator.

When Margaret placed the metal on different areas of my pubic bone, I felt a lot of squish on the indicator area especially on the left side of my pubic bone.  All makes sense now about the indicator .... no?
She placed a small bean bag pillow across my pubic bones and put her entire front arm right across it and placed gentle pressure.  I felt a lot of release, for lack of a better word. My arms were twitching like crazy,  it's like they couldn't relax.  Next she placed some pressure with the palms of her hands pushing down on my pubic bone toward my back.  Again I felt release.  Then she placed light pressure onto my left pubic bone with both hands, almost pushing it together from top to bottom, like compressing the bone.  This time my right leg started to twitch too.  It was also bouncing a couple of times off of the table.  I must have looked like a circus act as I was twitching all over the place.  "The current was strong in her that day", ha, ha.
Margaret stopped there.  She said that was enough for today.  Or I would have been twitching the rest of the day.  And looked like a weirdo everywhere I went I'm sure.

 I felt very calm and relaxed after today's treatment even with the twitching.  The hour of healing sure flew by fast.

My next appointment is in two days.  I can't wait to see what healing my body will do next.  My head will be the next focus of attention.  Yikes!

As we said our good byes, and discussed today's treatment a bit, I realised that my left foot was now too small for my left sandal.  The sandal had stretched out for my previous injured sized foot and now I was slipping out of it.  Oh well!! Its a good excuse to go shopping for some new sandals.  Lol!

Some of my symptoms I felt as I headed home was light pain in my right ankle.  Yup, right ankle, weird being that my left ankle was treated.  I noticed a small lump on the front of my right foot between the ankle bones of my foot too.  I felt a bit of a tight chest and some pressure in my head too.  All of these symptoms seemed to have passed after an hour or so, except for my right ankle.  The mild pain came and went as it pleased.  My left ankle also started to swell again a bit, but not as bad as the last treatment, at least not yet anyway.  Its only mid afternoon now.  I did however feel a few sharp jolts in my left foot a couple of times though.
Let the healing continue.

Until next time...
Stay Well

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