Friday 18 May 2012

Matrix Repatterning Visit 1

Yesterday, Thurs May 17,2012 was my first visit to Margaret.

So you can understand some of the assessments she made from my body, check out this video.  It will help to understand a bit more of what Matrix Repatterning is all about.

My first visit entailed a complete assessment of my body so Margaret could find where my problem areas are.

First I was to stand as she checked and recorded my posture.  All okay.

Next I was to sit on her massage table and she checked all of my reflexes.  My knees, as any normal doctor would, then my ankles and finally my elbows.  All had a response except my left elbow.  Weird!

Following the reflexes I was to lay down on the massage table and Margaret now completed an entire body mobility and function check of not only my external physical body, but the internal bones and organs as well.
She explained to me of a device she was to use.  Can't remember the name, but it basically is a rectangular, (about the length of the palm and half the size), piece of metal that is attached to a small machine that can be hooked on to her hip, once turned on releases electrical currents through it.

She checked the movement ranges of my arms and legs.  My left side seemed to have a little bit less range of motion than that of the right side of my body.  I also found out that my right knee sat higher than my left knee when i was laying down with my knees bent. (not normal!)

Next she used the electrical current metal to pinpoint if there were any problems with my internal body.
She placed one hand on my chest just below my left ribcage.  She would lay the electrical metal on a different area of my body, example my kidney and gently push on my ribs.  When she pushed my muscle by my ribs, they should be tight , if there was damage to that particular part of my body, the muscle she was pushing on would be squishy.
Margaret continued her assessment head to toe and recorded all of her findings.  Much to my surprise, I had issues with my kidneys and the back of my head ( nervous system/anxiety and memory area ).  I was not surprised to find that I also had issues with my right shoulder, as I had injured it during one of my Booty Camp Fitness classes at the end of February this year.   Also my pelvic area seemed to have some issues as well. Guess that shouldn't come as a surprise since all of the Infertility Clinic procedures the last couple of years had failed.  If my body was not able to conceive on its own due to years of unbeknown damage, how could forced infertility treatments help.  The damage needs to be corrected before my body is even ready to conceive again.

She also checked my eyes, tongue and teeth.  Eyes and tongue okay.  Bottom teeth reflect the bottom half of the body, so no surprise my bottom teeth had an issue.

Lastly she checked my feet, where she used  the opposite end of her reflex hammer handle to draw an imaginary line down the bottom of each foot.  The toes are to curl as she draws, but mine didn't.  Another issue!

Overall, Margaret had taken about 1 hour to complete her entire assessment of my body.  Yes, there were some big issues and also some smaller issues, but she said all can be corrected.  Yeah!

We booked the next 2 weeks worth of appointments.

I will keep you posted as to what happens next.
Keeping my fingers crossed.  But what will be, will be.  As long as I am getting healthier in the process, that's what matters the most.

Stay happy

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