Monday 14 May 2012


I've just discovered this new way of tracking what you eat in day.
Its called a CRONOMETER.

This web site gives you the option to input all of the foods and everything you have drank throughout the day  and it calculates your calories for the day, vitamin intake, mineral intake, the amount of water you've drank, and how much more you need, the fat intake for a particular food or how many carbs you've eaten in a day, etc, etc.  Take a look, I found this extremely helpful.

Now I can determine where I am going wrong with my diet and what I still need to approve on.
If you click on a food that you have entered on your list,  you are able to find out all the nutritional information about it.  For example how much fat, carbs, protein is in that food. If there are vitamins and how many of each kind, if this food contains mineral, and how many of each kind, and much more info.

There is a chart on this website where you are able to see how many vitamins and minerals you are taking in on any given day.  The cronometer also graphs out on a pie chart how many carbs, fats and protein you have eaten that day, so you are able to see if you are eating too much fat or not enough protein, etc.

Now I have the tools to take control of what I have been eating and what I need to eat more of.

Here's the link

I'm actually following the LFRV diet (low fat raw vegan) option. In this diet I eat 80% carbs, 10% fat and 10% protein.  Trying something new to see if it works for me.  So far so good for the last month.  Lots of fruit!!
Good luck with your own chart.

Eat Well

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