Thursday 24 May 2012

Matrix Repatterning Treatment Two

                                                                                                                      Thurs. May 24, 2012

Today my Matrix Repatterning appointment was at 1pm.

So much went on today, but in different parts of my body.  By so much, I mean the amount of electricity that ran throughout certain parts of my body.

Margaret and I first began discussing what, if any symptoms I had felt since the last treatment.
I had a slight headache, that diminished within an hour after the treatment.  I had a bit of lower back pain and some tension around my right shoulder/neck area.  I had recalled some injuries from the past about soar knees in cold weather and about my cut mouth from the dentist and how I get headaches when the Barometer changes. I  voiced them to her as she recorded  all the information.

Today's treatment began by my laying down again, and again with my left leg laying flat and arms at my sides on the table, bending my right leg, so my knee faced the ceiling.  Margaret wanted to determine if my right leg had completely healed yet or not.
With one hand just at the base of my right ribs, she placed her metal electrical device on many different parts of my right leg as she pressed on my ribs.  There were still a couple of issues in my knee area, because  there was some softer muscle tissue near my ribs as she pressed when the metal was placed near and on my knee.  She asked me to go on my mini mind relaxing vacation as she began to work on my right knee.  Now remember my right knee sat higher that my left knee when both were bent and my feet were perfectly matched together.
She strategically placed her hands on a few different positions on my knee and applied a gentle pressure.  Then rechecked the areas and all felt solid under my ribs.

Next she moved on to my left leg.  Oh my!  The entire time she worked on my left leg, my left arm not only tingled, but it twitched a lot, to the point it was bouncing on the table.  Also during her entire treatment, I felt a pressure through my left pelvis area and into my groin.  So I was releasing a lot of tension in all of those areas. Good thing.  Those are my baby making parts.

As Margaret treated the thigh of my left leg, I felt just once a jolt across my upper back.  As she treated my left knee I felt the room spinning and then subside, as I continuously felt light tingling throughout my fingers on both hands and my left arm twitching with the my body electricity making the left side of my body tingle.
I was asked to lay on my right side with a pillow between my knees for the next treatment of my left leg.  My ankle was the next focus of attention.  I had a bicycle accident with my left ankle when I was very young.  It had gotten caught in the back spokes of a bicycle wheel that my cousin was riding and doubling me on.  I had a cast on it and still have a scar to prove it.  When Margaret began to place pressure on this area, I was sure I would have some pain, as it is and has been very sensitive to touch still today.  Yet every move she had made and every area she had placed pressure, I didn't feel any pain, only tension release.

My left toe was an issue all on its own!  I was laying on my back again as Margaret worked on my left toes and some parts of my left foot. When my right big toe was treated two days ago, I felt a clicking or popping 4 or 5 times as it was going back into place.  Today, when my left  big toe was being worked on, I felt about a dozen clicks as it moved back into position and it wasn't finished yet, because Margaret told my that she would complete the left side during my next appointment, focusing on my big toe and more ankle.
I practised gymnastics in high school, my feet and ankles took a lot of pressure as I would land during my routines on the uneven bars, balance beam and floor routines.

I felt the left front side of my foot click a couple of times too as she applied pressure to certain areas of my foot.  What a strange but relieving feeling to know your foot is healing itself with only minor pressure from a set of hands.  There's a lot of tension/injury still going on with my left ankle and big toe, so that will be treated again next time.  My left arm still twitched a bit even after Margaret had finished the treatment.  My body takes a few hours to adjust to the healing, she said.

As Margaret was finishing, she pushed my right leg towards my chest to see how flexible it had become.  I could now touch my right knee to my chest.  Which I couldn't before. My left knee was still in the air.  Close to my chest yes, but it could not reach quite as far as my treated right leg did.  And my right toe has straightened out.  One more measuring check was made.  My knees were almost at the same level when I was laying down with my knees bent.  My right leg seemed to sit higher that my left a few days earlier.  As we had determined this during my first visit and my assessment.  Not now, heights are almost the same, almost back to normal.

On my drive home I felt the left side of my face tingly a bit and my left elbow twitched a couple more times.
I also still felt light pressure in my left pelvis area....  Still continuing to heal.

The picture of my feet here, shows that now my right foot is healed and my left foot is still curvy and bendy. My right foot had the same curves and bends as my left foot still has now although not as extreme.

I will take another photo after my next treatment so we can all see the difference Matrix repatterning really
did.  Will my left foot straighten out?  I am a believer.  I have seen it work first hand.  So far so good anyway!

Until next time,
Stay Well,

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