Thursday 31 May 2012

Matrix Repatterning Treatment 4

                                                                                                                          Thurs. May 31, 2012
Today's treatment focus was all about my head.  Specifically the back of my head.

I told Margaret all about the symptoms I felt after Tuesday's treatment.  These symptoms usually occurred within an hour or two after my treatment.  I spoke and she recorded that I had pressure in my right ankle, then periodic aching in that same ankle throughout the rest of the day.  More tension was coming out of that ankle area.  Margaret reminded me that during my first treatment there was a lot of tension that had been released in several areas of my right ankle.  There was probably just some residual tension left over, that needed healing.  I had some tightness in my chest ( I had bronchial asthma in my 20's) and a mild headache that subsided within an hour or so.
My left ankle had some swelling again too but not nearly as sever as when the first treatment of my left ankle occurred.  My right ankle also had some swelling, there was a small lump between my right ankle bones on top front of my foot.  This lump didn't last long either, maybe a couple of hours. The tension was continuing to release.
That's about it.  Not too bad, seems like my body is reacting very well to each Matrix Repatterning treatment.  Less and less symptoms means less needs to be healed.  Yay!

On to today's treatment.....
During the last session  Margaret mentioned that maybe I should try wearing a wireless bra so I wouldn't conduct so much energy to my extremities during a treatment.  That maybe my arms and legs wouldn't be so twitchy.  So I did and let me tell you, it worked.  Throughout today's treatment I did still have left and right arm twitching, but not nearly as much as if I was wearing my under wire bra.

For today's treatment I began by sitting on a chair with a bean bag pillow under my tail bone.  Then I hunched over like a teenager and Margaret placed one hand on top of my head and the other on my lower back.  She started to compress.  As she continued to place gentle pressure I felt more and more relaxed.  I felt my entire face go from tight to loose and relaxed.  I was after a minute or two entirely relaxed and sleepy.  The purpose of this treatment position was so my nervous system could be released.  She wanted to get all of my electricity flowing easily throughout my entire body so as to get a better reaction electrically as she treated my head today.
I was extremely relaxed at this point and now I was asked to lay down on the massage table on my right side.  A pillow was between my knees and a bean bag pillow was between my elbows and yet another bean bag pillow was under my neck.  She  began by pinpointing the specific problem areas with her metal electrical machine and the indicator area on my ribs.  But today she used my upper rib area rather than lower.
As she located different troubled areas on the left back side of my head, gentle pressure was placed using different hand positions as needed for each area.  Anywhere from approx. 30 seconds to 1 minute or so, the pressure was on.  Then the area was checked again with the indicator (rib area) and pressure with both hands to see if now the indicator area was solid and not soft and squishy.  If it was solid, that area was now healed and she moved on to wherever else there was an issue, constantly checking, treating and rechecking.  When my left central back of my head was being treated, I felt a jolt of energy in my right big toe and a bit of pain in my lower back.  When my left back area of my head was being treated I felt I needed to take deep breaths.  Margaret asked me if I was okay, I was so relaxed that I just murmured out a "uh huh"!  I took another deep breath as she continued working on my left head.  This area of my head reacted with the lung, diaphram area of my body.  At one point when my left head had pressure placed on it, I felt my entire right arm go numb and of course the usual, but less amount of twitching occurred in both arms.  She treated the entire left side and also a bit down my left neck.

When the left of my head had been completed, the right side was now to be treated.  I flipped over to my left side, very sleepily, again with the pillows between my knees, elbows and under my neck.  She began to check what areas needed healing using the upper rib indicator area on my right side and the electrical metal first.  Pushing on different areas on the back and right side of my head, while pressing on the indicator and waiting to see if that specific area made the indicator soft and squishy.  When she located areas that needed treating, she worked on them and rechecked again to make sure all was well and solid.  The right upper side of my head had a  slight bump on it.  It was a bit tender to touch, so gentle pressure was placed around that hurt area when it came time to treat it.  When I had  my car accident in 2001, a car had t-boned us on my side of the vehicle.  I hit the right upper side of my head which left me with the bump.  Also the left lower side of my head was affected.  I had minor whiplash, so that's why there was so much damage on the left side of my head.  The strike on my head radiated like a funnel to the left side of my head.  Margaret had worked double the time on my left side than that of my right side of my head.  Smaller area to be treated on my right side.
My feet seemed to be restless at times during the entire treatment.  At one point, when the right side of my head was being treated I felt achy in my left intestinal area.  Something was getting triggered in those areas throughout my nervous system, for my body to react this way, for my brain to tell the body to start to heal these areas.

Once Margaret had completed with my right side of my head, today's treatment had come to an end.
My body had a lot to process.

Whenever the head is treated, past emotions sometimes come out, a patient may cry or get angry.  I was somewhat nervous about my treatment today, because I didn't want to get angry and start thrashing my arms around, nor did I want to cry hysterically for any reason.  I did quite well with all of my treatment today, no crying, no anger, just relaxed tiredness.

I asked Margaret today since my head was being treated and my entire nervous system was once again lit up, will today's treatment help with my anxiety.  It should she said, so I will be making mental notes to see if it had.  My Oma was a ball of anxiety.  I was the lucky granddaughter to have inherited this.  Hopefully as only a short time passes I will finally be healed of this nervous disorder.

During my 30 minute drive home I had only one symptom.  My head was slightly achy, but this feeling diminished by the time I arrived at home.  And at one point during this post I felt a bit light headed, which Margaret said is normal after having the head worked on.  I am still tired and will more than likely continue to be so the rest of the day, as per Margaret's comments.  

That's it for today,  my next treatment is next week, stay tuned for updates.  Meanwhile...

Eat Well, Stay Healthy.

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