Monday, 16 July 2012

Matrix Repatterning Treatment 9

Monday July 16, 2012

As Matrix Repatterning treatments wind down, I almost begin feeling that there will be something missing in my life, when I eventually stop coming for sessions.  I truly enjoy feeling the healing from the hands of Margaret who has become more than a practitioner, but a friend.

Update:  While discussing symptoms since my last treatment.  I noticed that the lump on my left hand had diminished a lot.  Only a little noticeable lump was still a visible.  Yeah!

Symptoms since my last Matrix sessions are as follows.  I am actually surprised that I did have as many issues as I did.  I was expecting them to diminish, however due to the great tension throughout my female parts, I have experienced a few more symptoms that seem to have unraveled.
After getting home from last weeks treatment, I felt a lot of pressure in my uterine area.  I had to hold my belly because it felt like I was going to lose all of my insides.  The pain was enough to make me bend over, but only lasted 30 minutes or so.  And I was still able to walk about doing things, although with not much comfort.
I also had trouble with my right elbow being stiff, with no pain though.
Two times throughout last week and again this morning I felt a jolt of pain go across my lower back.  \
Also my shoulder on the right side of my body, the injured one, was still aggravating me at times, especially when I over use it at my job, when I work above my head.
This one is interesting.  The last symptom I felt was could have been either from digestion or I felt myself ovulating.  I felt a lot of pressure around the left ovary area all throughout this past week.  Whenever I had a full bladder, which would press against my left ovary area, I would feel a lot of pressure and mild pain.  I thought maybe it had to do with my large intestine sitting so close to that ovary, that when I needed to eliminate it would push against my ovary too.  Not sure, but I know it was around the time I should be ovulating too, so maybe a little of everything.

Today's treatment began like all of the rest.  Margaret recorded my symptoms and then we got right into the treatment.  As a lot had unravelled during the last session, Margaret wanted to do a full body scan because once a large fully charged area was treated, this may affect other areas of the body and recharge them.  After all the entire body is one and everything is connected.
So she adjusted her electrode to the indicator ribs and began.  She first placed the electrode on my foot and pressed on my ribs.  Moving to the other foot and pressed.   Next were my lower legs, upper legs, hands and arms.  All felt nice and solid under Margaret's hand on the indicator.  My right shoulder blade gave a squish on the indicator while my spine was fine.  My head and face were all fine too.  Now my diaphragm, uterus, large intestine and ovary (on the left side of my body) all gave a soft result on my ribs, indicating that there were still issues with these areas.   There was still some unresolved tension that needed treating.
Margaret said, that I guess I will be getting another treatment.  Yeah!  I love getting healed and feel my body unravel.  She also said that my body must  be unravelling in layers as my uterine area needed more work.
She explained to me that the insides of the body is covered with something only explained like a saran wrap coating everything internal, surrounding all of the organs, muscles and bones.  This wrap is called the body's fascia (definition below) When one area of the body has been 'discharged' and was closely connected with another part of the body, like how my uterus is linked with my ovary, even though the uterus was treated my ovary may still have been pulling on the uterus.  And now the ovary and the uterus must be treated again to allow for the tension to be released. As in my case.   Now there could be layers of injuries on a particular bodily area which builds up this fascia wrapping, as a protective barrier.  So again as in my case, Margaret will be treating my uterus  and ovary area again because there must be multiple layers needing treatment to release all of the built up tension.

Margaret began treatment with what she called the 'baby maker', rather than focusing on my right shoulder.  Which I was all for since I am going on holidays for 2 weeks and will miss out on seeing her, and I wanted to keep all possibilities of conceiving open.  But again, if I don't conceive, I am okay with that. 
All of today's treatment consisted of focusing on the some of the right and mainly the left side 
of my uterus and ovary and intestinal areas.  My bladder was affected as well, because 
it just happened to be within the same area.
Before she began placing her hands for treatment, she showed me how little movement I have 
on the left belly area than I have on my right side belly area.    
The right side was all good after only 10 minutes or so of being treated and rechecked.  The 
left side however was still very tense and tight.  When Margaret pressed her fingers 
near my left ovary area, it was actually quite painful.  She moved her fingers aside a 
bit as to not place pressure directly on the painful spot and proceeded to place 
gentle pressure.  She needed to hold the area for about 5 minutes for each spot, I 
was extremely tense in this particular area.  
Many layers needed to be discharged, like the 'saran wrap' fascia was twisted and 
needed to be unravelled.  Many spots were painful to the touch in the left area, which I 
suppose I shouldn't have been surprised,  whenever I touched the area myself, it felt 
like a rock and was so tight.  All body parts should flow and not be rock hard.  Like a 
baby, who is limp and limber, that is how our body should be in a sense, and not 
tight and tense.  Margaret was sure to be careful not to hurt me during the 
treatment.  asked her not to stop when she lifted her hands to move to another 
area.  She apologized and happily explained that she needed to shift her fingers 
somewhat to get a better release going.  I could feel such relief during the treatment.  
At one point we both felt a huge release.  To me it felt like there was a marble 
attached to my left ovary and the marble just dropped away.  What a strange but 
really good feeling.  
Moving on to my left large intestine area right beside my ovary, I felt the same kind 
of pain when initial pressure was placed on the area.  After a quick recheck she moved 
on to my uterus.  
When treating the uterus area today, Margaret pointed out that it had shifted down to 
where it was supposed to be.  She was treating it at a lower area on my body. 
During the first treatment of my uterus it was located just below my belly button and now 
it was being treated directly in between my belly button and my pelvic bone.   Right 
around the proper location it should be in.  Margaret placed one hand on my pelvis 
bone and the other on a 45 degree angle pressing downwards into my belly.  By 
placing both hands in these places, she felt she could get a better release going as 
the energy was moving in a triangular motion, focusing right towards the charged 
uterus area.  The uterus was in its rightful place, however something was still pulling 
on it to cause tension as it showed up again today as an issue.  Hopefully today 
most of the tension was resolved.   But I think there is still more work to be done 
on the insides of my left belly.  I believe there are still issues in there.   I still feel a 
lot of tightness.  
That's okay, that is for next time.

For now,
Be Well,

Monday, 9 July 2012

Matrix Repatterning Treatment 8

  Monday July 9, 2012

Wow, treatment 8 already!

Today's treatment session is how Matrix Repatterning got started and what it was all about for me.  
Today, besides a few other smaller body parts, my uterus was treated.  Yeah! finally!  Baby making time, here I come.  My husband and I have been trying to conceive for about 8 years now.  We have tried several infertility treatments without any results.  My acupuncturist, which I started seeing after the fertility treatments failed told me I had a lot of tension in my digestive area.  Which all make sense now, because my uterus was pushing against them.  
I will explain.....

But first my symptoms from last Monday's treatments.  Only two small symptoms.  First I had a bit of a soar right shoulder which I aggravated at work because I was working above my head with heavy items.  And the second symptom was a pain in my head, at the back of my head on the right side.  This was probably due to the right side shoulder tension that I created.  Way to go me!  I push a bit harder at my job and hurt myself more.  What is a girl to do!!!!
So that's it, only two little symptoms.  They seem to be getting less and less with every treatment.  

On to today's treatment.  
My left hand still has that hard lump on it so Margaret treated my wrist and my hand around the lump first.  I am to keep an eye out on it to see if it gets smaller and/or goes away.  Can do!  

Next was the piece de resistance.  My uterus!!!  I know sounds strange that I was actually excited to have my uterus worked on but I have every right to.  I want to conceive again.  My son now is 17.  For about 11 years now I have wanted another child.  Even before my husband and I got married I stopped taking my birth control pills so I could rid my body of any and all chemicals, became vegetarian and also began to eat really healthily.  I wanted to have a clean and healthy body for myself and for my next pregnancy.  After we were married, it was on.  But no baby.  After 2 years, we went through three IUI ( intera uterine insemination) fertility treatments.  This is were they inject the sperm right into the uterus at my most fertile time of the month.  After three failed IUI's.   Chris and I decided to try one more time.  This time we went all out and tried the InVitro Fertilisation.  This is where the sperm is injected directly into the egg and fertilised outside of the body in a petri dish. Once fertilised for a maximum of 5 days, the embryo is then placed into the uterus in hopes to attach to the uterine wall and become a fetus and eventually a baby.  This also failed.  I know why now.  Then I didn't.  And it was extremely heartbreaking, not to mention costly.
Today during the treatment of my uterus, Margaret explained a lot of things to me.  Like, that my uterus sat 1" higher than it should have been which was putting lots of pressure and especially tension on all of my surrounding body parts like my digestive system and my ovaries.  My kidney's and spleen which were already treated had a lot of this tension placed on them as well from my uterus.  Now the reason my uterus sat so high and was enlarged, was from my first child.  Dylan, my son had stretched out my uterus and it didn't go back to its normal size.  Also my kidney's and spleen were out of place as well, not helping my uterus any.  Anyway, the reason the fertility treatments failed was because my uterus was all stretch and tension and not relaxed and normal.  Any embryo would have had a difficult time attaching to a uterine wall that was all stretched and tense.  There was no where to grab and hold on to.  Therefore no attachment occurred and no baby!  Well, today, Margaret treated this tense uterus and in the process of doing so, worked the bladder and ovaries as well.   Maybe now i also won't have to go to the bathroom so often either and my ovary will go back to its original normal position as well.
During the many ultrasounds taken at the fertility clinic, the technician always had a difficult time locating my left  ovary.  It was always out in left field, she would say.  Well, not anymore.  Thanks to Margaret and her Matrix Repatterning, my ovaries and uterus, bladder and my digestive system are all happy and tense free.  Aaaaahhhh!  So relieved.  
Margaret made sure to check with the indicator and her electrode ( metal electrical machine) to find all of the charged areas of my uterus.  The indicator, where she pressed with one hand while pressing with her other hand on a particular area of my uterus went extremely squishy, indicating that this area was extremely charged and needed some healing hands.  She treated the area and continued until every corner of my uterus was fully discharged. And rechecked them again to make sure all of the charged areas had dissipated.
That being done,  she moved on to finish my right shoulder.  
Margaret finished with my right shoulder, especially discharging the shoulder blade area.  She placed her hands on either side and with gentle pressure and waited until the electrical pulses stopped between them.  Moving her hands in a different position and waited again.  She rechecked with her electrode and the indicator to make sure all was well, and no longer squishy.  Then completed the left shoulder in the same manner.   Before we both knew it,  an hour had passed.  

Yeah!  I get to go for another treatment.   Oh, getting healthy feels so good.  My spine still needed a little more help and then my stomach.  And a recheck of my fingers too.  Lastly a full assessment  to check over my entire body and its flexibility and movement.  

Update:  My right finger still has not gone down.  It continues to have a thick middle.  
              My right shoulder didn't swell at all.  Just ached a bit one time.
              And my right knee no longer hurts. 
              I don't have to use any anxiety medication anymore either.  

One more thing.   After I got home today, after the Matrix treatment, I walked into the house I felt some discomfort in my uterine and digestive system area.  It's all in the same general area anyway.  So I think everything was just moving into its original positions as I had finally stood up for a longer period of time since the treatment.  Laying down during treatment and sitting in the car for the drive home.  So still no vertical gravitational pull occurred until I was finally at home standing in my living room at home.  I had to place my hands to almost hold my belly due to the discomfort.  Thankfully this feeling only lasted a few moments.  

Okay, until next time,
Stay Healthy,
Eat Well

Thursday, 5 July 2012

Matrix Repatterning Treatment 7

                                                                                                                     Wednesday July 4,2012

Wow, treatment 7 already.
So much has been happening to my body and all for the better.

Some of the symptoms I experienced since treatment 6 last week weren't too severe at all.  I had a little bit of a tweak in my lower back one day and a soar right knee another day and that's about it.
Also, more fault of my own, but I did get a light headiness spell where I had to sit and let my body and head recollect itself before I began tasks again.  I actually just wanted to sit and not move, even tears ran down my face that I couldn't control.  See, I hadn't had much to eat or drink that morning when I played and experimented with Matrix Repatterning on my 20 year old niece's feet and toes.  Turns out I drained all of my energy stores concentrating so much during the "treatment".  Thankfully this spell didn't last long, maybe a total of 10 minutes or so.  Then I was up and at 'em again.    
So, other than that little spell, I barely conveyed any other symptoms.  Awesome, my body must be healing on super quick mode now.  I suppose there isn't that much more left to heal after all.

On to today's treatment....
To finish up the left side organs, kidney area, Margaret checked with my rib indicator and her metal electrical machine and noticed that my left kidney was okay, but that my spleen needed adjusting instead.  So she placed both her palms just under my spleen and pressed gently, holding her hands in place for as long as it took to discharge the area.  After another check, the left side was complete and finished.  Although during my last treatment my left kidney did show that it was 'charged',  today it had not because of all of the release my right side organs endured, corrected some of the left side organs.  The right side could have just been pulling the left side for support.  But once the right side was healed, the left side seemed to release all on its own.

Next, on to my arms.  My right arm was treated first.  She checked with the indicator which area of my arm was most charged.  This is what was to be treated first as this may correct the other areas of the arm just by treating the highly charged areas first.   Finally my injured  right shoulder was being treated.  Yeah!  Although a little soar to the touch on certain areas, Margaret placed her hands on opposite sides of my shoulder in several directions and holding with gentle pressure until all was released.  Aaaah! That's better!  I felt tension release from my the muscle connecting my neck and shoulder too.  I'm sure I will swell a bit.  I will keep an eye on this.

My right baby finger, the one that has the lump on it (probably from my knuckle cracking when I was younger), was now being treated.  She pressed my finger from many directions left and right, top and bottom, front and back using only her fingers.  Again holding in place until all was released.  Unfortunately the lump had not gone down after the release, but I will be watching this finger closely as I really want this finger to go back to normal.

After a check with the metal electrically charged machine, my upper right arm and lower right arm was treated and after a quick recheck with the rib indicator, all was well.

One more check before the end of today's session was my right knee, once again.  It had been treated a few times already.  Sometimes areas in the legs become charged again as other areas of the body area released.  Remember a body is a whole, so everything is connected.   The legs and feet must always be released of charges as they area the ground to the body.  My right knee had been a bit soar once during the last week, so Margaret checked which area of my knee had the issue and treated it accordingly.  After a quick recheck, today's treatment had come to an end.

I was told that I only have two more treatments left and then I'm done.  Noooo! not yet I like getting healed!
Oh well, I will enjoy it while I can.

Stay Healthy,
Eat Well,