Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Matrix Repatterning Treatment 6

  Tues. June 26, 2012

All I have to say today is WOW !
I feel such a release from today's treatment.

But let me begin as usual with the symptoms I felt since my last treatment.  My pelvis was treated last appointment so I thought maybe I would have some issues around my pelvis bones, but I was wrong.
I had several jolts of what felt like a lightning bolt in my right breast,  ( sorry, I know kind of personal, but maybe there's a connection as I have never felt these before, that I can remember anyway.) after the treatment and again the next day.  My lower back was sore, which I found out today was a connection with my kidneys.  3 days after my last appointment I woke up with a headache and tight again between my shoulder and neck on the right side of my body.  4 days after the appointment I wound up with a migraine.  But on a positive note,  I noticed that I hadn't taken and anxiety meds since my head was treated 3 weeks ago.  Huge bonus for me.  Finally some relief.

So on to today's session.  Margaret began  by completing the left side of my pelvis bones as she had said I had had enough during the last treatment and she would finish next time.  She pinpointed the 'charged' areas and treated them as I laid on my right side while she worked on my left.
After the pelvis was completely discharged, I laid on my back and today's treatment was under way.        My organs were priority today.  How she was going to manipulate them back to normal was beyond me, but here goes.
So laying on back, Margaret pinpointed using her metal charged machine and her hand on my indicator ribs.  She found which area was the most charged or squishy and treated those first.
My diaphragm which is in between my rib cage was treated first.  She gently pushed my top left and my top right rib cages together with her palms and held them there until the charge was released.                                    
Next came my ribs.  I laid on my left side while Margaret checked each rib at the back of my right rib cage.  Pressing on each one and checking with the indicator.  She gently again placed pressure with her palms on the front and back of my ribs pressing them together.  She began at the bottom of my rib cage and worked up to the top.
Next, when the ribs were all released on the right side I was asked to flip onto my back again and she would now release my right kidney and move on to my liver.  The ribs needed to be released before the organs.  Almost like treating the outside before moving inward.  She said that both kidneys needed to be treated and this was probably due to a fall or several falls onto my bum as a child.  Both sides showed a very squishy indicator. These falls made the kidneys literally 'drop' and so she placed one hand as best she could under my right kidney and gently pressed up, while her other hand was resting on my ribs.  This didn't hurt although it felt a bit weird because she was digging in a bit.  She did the same with the liver.  Did her rechecks to make sure all was released and moved on.
Next was my left side ribs.  Feeling kind of like a fish out of water, I flipped again, this time back onto my right side.   When she poked at each rib to check which ones needed treating,  I had many tender to the touch lower back ribs (Omg! Now I sound like food!)  She began at the bottom ribs again and worked up.  During this time, and throughout my left back rib cage treatment,  I felt a twitch every now and then in my left arm.
Finishing the left side back ribs, which didn't hurt at all during the treatment, she moved onto my spine.  Well, let me tell you, this was an amazing experience.  As the ribs were treated, so was my spine.  She began pinpointing the weak areas starting at the base of my spine and working up to my neck.  While treating my lower spine, this time she had to use an elongated cylinder bean bag pillow to put under my bum pelvis bone and pressed up with her hand while pressing down with her other hand on my lower spine.  Omg!  My entire pelvis was moving.  Like the hands ticking on a clock, my left pelvis bones were shifting more forward almost toward my right side pelvis bones.  What a strange feeling.  What a releasing feeling!  After today's treatment Margaret told me that my lower spine area was actually treating my cervical area because that particular spot connected the cervix to my spine.  Yeah! pelvis released, cervix now released.  Ahhh, life is good!!! 
A strange happening went on again when the upper spine was being treated.  Both of Margaret's palms on either side of my spine were gently pressing together.  I was just laying there on my right side relaxing, being worked on and next thing I know, my head started to 'tick' up. My chin lifted and my head tilted back.  My throat opened up and I could breath so much easier.  So amazing to have my body react this way.  The feeling is both strange and amazing at the same time.
And as she said that was enough for today, I sat up and began to move my head around so freely, like I had no tension in my neck at all.  That's a good feeling.  Again, I was released.  I was breathing deeper and felt very alive.  Strange to say, but true.
Margaret mentioned that I may notice these shifted bones more when I walk.  And that I will be breathing more deeply.  She released my diaphragm which was pinched and this opened up my esophagus or breathing (and eating) tubes.
Can't wait for my next appointment.  It's coming up  next week.  I'll keep you posted.  I think maybe my stomach might be next.  And I have to drink 500ml - 750ml of fluid because she needs a fluid filled organ to work on it and she will only have a 10 minute time span to complete this treatment.  That will be some adventure I'm sure.
Until next time,

Stay Healthy,
Eat Well,

Saturday, 23 June 2012

Gluten Free Strawberry Jam

Yeah!! It's STRAWBERRY Season.

I have gone strawberry picking twice already this season and loving all of the sweet, ripe, juicy red berries.    I searched the Internet for some healthy recipes so I can use all of these delicious strawberries.  I came across the easiest strawberry jam ever using only 3 ingredients.  This recipe used honey, chia seeds and of course fresh strawberries.
I happen to have chia seeds in the cupboard but also had psyllium husk in there as well.  Both chia seeds and psyllium have thickening properties because of how they drink in any liquid and can double or triple their size easily.  I brought out both and began to experiment.
The psyllium husk ended up thickening the strawberry jam not only faster but this batch came out way thicker than the chia seed jam, which turned out runny no matter how many seeds I stirred in.  My psyllium strawberry jam has lots of fibre too.  Keep the good food a comin'.



2 cups fresh strawberries, washed and  hulled
2 Tablespoons honey ( I used about 1/4 cup or so      because my strawberries weren't as sweet as I'd like. And I like a bit of a sweeter jam)
3 Tablespoons psyllium husk

wash and hull all of the strawberries
Place about 3 - 4 cups whole strawberries in a food processor. 

 Process until desired jam consistency.  I like mine pretty smooth with only a few little chunks.  You can make your jam as smooth or chunky as you like.

Measure the processed strawberries into a bowl and add the honey and psyllium husk.  

Stir well to make sure all ingredients are incorporated well.  Let stand for about 20 - 30 minutes.

Meanwhile wash and dry all of the jars and lids.

Once jam is set, spoon into clean jars and close with clean lids.  Label.

Jam can be stored in the fridge for 2-3 weeks (if it lasts that long) or frozen for up to 6 months.

Yummy, no cook, gluten free strawberry jam.  Soooo good!  Spread on bread, spoon some over ice cream or stir into some yogurt.  Enjoy.

Fresh is Best.
Eat Well,

Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Matrix Repatterning Treatment 5

                                                                                                                          Monday June 18, 2012

I have been out of the Matrix Repatterning scene for a little while because I have had the flu and a sinus and chest cold.  It was better that I recoup from this illness before I go further with my treatments as my immune system was down far enough.
I am better now, although not 100%, but I am finally better.

My treatment today began as all of my previous treatments.  Margaret, my Matrix "practitioner" asked if I had experienced any symptoms since the last treatment over 2 weeks ago.  I had recorded them and began....
To recap, my head, mainly the back of my head, was the main focus of my last treatment session.  I thought that maybe there would have been a lot of symptoms because the head is the power house to the body, but the symptoms I felt weren't so bad.
I had a slight headache during my drive home, but it had diminished by the time I arrived home about 30 minutes later.  Margaret said I may have some lightheadedness from time to time because the bones in my head had been mildly shifted back into place.  I did have a bit of this lightheadedness only once when I was sitting on the couch, but that's it.
Another headache started  late in the afternoon.  I was told that if I had a headache that lasted for 24 hours that I need to call Margaret and return to her immediately to have her adjust a few points on my head.  I took some Tylenol and went to bed.  By the time morning came, I was okay again.
The next day I felt a jolt of pain in my chest mainly on the left side and had some heavy breathing.  I have had this pain before.  I asked my family doctor about it and she said it was the muscles in my chest that were tightening due to a stressful situation.  Its very painful.  Thankfully the pain wasn't as severe at it had once been, Matrix seems to bring back only slight pain or soreness.

I noticed that the lump on my left hand had returned after being gone for many years.  It is hard to the touch. Not sure what it is.  Margaret thinks it's part of the tendon in my hand.  I remember getting it for the first time when my hand bent to far one time.  We will get to that part of my body at another appointment.  It was not hurting me and didn't bother me in any way so that was fine with me.
lump on my bent left hand, between fingers and wrist.
Doesn't seem so big in this picture,  sadly larger in life.

On Saturday,  2 days after my last appointment, I felt very sore on my upper spine area, especially when I leaned my head forward and down.  This pain woke me up a few times during the night.  I felt like my car accident in 2001 was repeating itself all over again, but of coarse not near as severe.  I also felt very tight between my left neck and shoulder area and developed another headache that evening. This was the onset of my illness not the symptoms from Matrix anymore.

Sunday was when my flu symptoms started, you know the usual cold/hot sweats, sore throat etc.  I guess my immune system was down far enough for me to catch this nasty bug working on healing everthing else.  I did notice though that on Sunday, I continued to have tightness between my left neck and shoulder area still.  But after Sunday,  I had been ill, so I hadn't noticed anymore symptoms, just my sick.  Margaret did record however that my illness was in my sinus area and my chest.  Maybe to reference that those are my weak areas and may be treated at a later date too.

Okay, today's treatment......
Seems like my legs, which are my body's electrical ground, are first checked before any other part of my body is to be treated.  I suppose that would be a good place to begin, if there isn't a ground, it is unlikely that I will have a correct amount of electrical current flowing through all of the appropriate parts of my body.  I was to lay on my back with my hands at my sides on the table.  Margaret prepared her indicator spot on my ribs and adjusted her electrical current machine, as she pressed on my ribs until she noticed the proper amount of pressure needed was under her hand.
With my knees bent, she placed the metal current on different parts of each leg and pressed on the indicator to see if it felt tough or soft.  I heard her say good many times quietly to herself.  This was reassuring that all is well where my legs are concerned.  I did mention to her though that I feel like I walk different now.  She said that I probably do because she shortened my right leg back to normal by compressing most bones back to normal size that had been injured in the past, and now both of my legs were the same length.
The reason the bones were enlarged is from injury.  The cells within a bone are normally  loosey goosey and move around freely.  Once an injury, a bump of any sort to the bone occurs, the cells become very hard and rigid and group together creating an enlarged area, thus an enlarged bone.  My MRI of my right shoulder showed an enlarged bone.  This is the shoulder that I hurt during a booty camp fitness class back at the end of February.  Not surprised.  Now I know why!  And this can be corrected using Matrix Repatterning as my healer.
Margaret also checked the bones under my bum and to the left and right of my pelvis and determined that the right side of my pelvis needed today's attention first.  

My pelvis area was today's focus.  Hopefully, once all of the tension is released from my pelvis I will be able to conceive.  Several infertility treatments from the past two years, three IUI's and an InVitro session did nothing for me.  But again, if we don't conceive, I will still be happy because Margaret has healed years of injury from my entire body, and has taken much needed tension away.  

So I was to lay on my left side, a bean bag pillow between my arms and a pillow between my knees.  She used my ribs again to pin point specific areas needing treatment.  She placed pressure on certain points all over my right side higher pelvis bone with her right hand and held it in place, as she pressed a few times on the rib indicator with her left hand.  If the indicator went soft and squishy, the area under her right hand would need to be treated.  After each area was healed, when she didn't feel any more current between her hands no matter what the distance apart they were, that area was now complete and 'discharged'.
An injured area is full of current and therefore 'charged' up.  Once that 'charge' is released, all is well and returns to normal.  As a reassurance, using the indicator , all treated areas were checked and all was well before moving on to the next injured area.

Many angles of my right pelvis bone were worked on, from my tail bone to the tip and bottom of my pelvis bones and the socket were my pelvis and leg bones meet.  A huge area she pointed out on one of her 2D pictures hanging on the wall.

I felt my left arm twitch a bit again this session as my right pelvis bone was being treated, but knowing that my wire bra during past sessions created loads of electrical current to bounce around all over the place  making me twitch like a crazy person, I was sure to not wear anything that had an under wire.  So only a bit of twitching today, nothing crazy.

She spent what I thought was a few minutes on each area before moving on to my right lower pelvis area.  Margaret said I was responding quickly to each treatment today.  I could have easily fallen asleep during the right side treatment.  
Before I knew it, she asked me to lay flat on my back again.  This time to begin working on the left front pelvis bone.  Again using my rib indicator to locate areas that needed treatment and rechecking after completion, the left side was now complete as well.  The left side didn't have as much damage only  a bit that radiated from my right side falling injuries.  As she had worked on my left side, I felt tingling, like electrical current moving in my face mostly on the left side as well.  Almost like a C-shape, starting from the left of my nose and making its way under my eye, around my eye and up toward my forehead.   
The hour was almost up already.  She did one more check.  She pressed and moved her fingers back and forth with both hands on my muscle between my middle and right pelvis bones and then to the middle and left pelvis bones.  The muscles on both sides were very soft and squishy.  Just how they are supposed to be.  Finally the tension was released.  I  had noticed for quite some time now that the left muscles especially were very tough and hard to the touch.  Not anymore.  Another part of my body has been healed.  Yeah!    

She wanted to check the range on motion of my legs.  So while I was still laying on my back she took my left bent leg and pushed it toward my chest.  Very good range of motion more than the very first time. My knee almost touched my chest.  The same was done to my right side.  Now with my knees bent and my heels in line, the height of my knees was checked.  My right knee was again slightly higher than my left.  Margaret localised an issue to be my knee cap and proceeded to apply pressure with her hands to different parts of my knee cap.  Left and right and then upper and lower parts of my knee cap.  After a few more minutes today's treatment had come to an end.  

As Margaret was placing pressure at various points on my right pelvis bone always pressing toward the other hand, I had remembered falling more than a few times while trying to ice skate as a kid and of coarse always falling toward my strong side.  This happens to be my right side as I am right handed.

My next treatment focuses on my organs.  Not sure how Margaret is going to perform her Matrix Repatterning on them.  I'm a bit anxious and excited all at the same time.  The healing continues to move up my body.  My organs aren't bones though.  Really curious as to how these will be healed.  I had said in an earlier post that my kidney's needed attention, I guess that treatment will have to wait until next time.  I'll keep you posted.

Eat Well,
Stay Healthy,

Saturday, 9 June 2012


Oh yeah!.... Kale Chips!

These little green wonders are Fantastic.  They actually taste like real chips without the potatoes, calories and Fat!!!

I have made these a few times in the past months.  When my husband Chris tried them for the first time he thought they weren't bad and nibbled on a few, and I finished off the rest of the tray.
Today when I make them, I end up only having a few nibbles because Chris devours the entire tray for himself.
He is the biggest sceptic I know.  So, if he's willing to eat these yummy Kale Chips like there's no tomorrow than I'm sure you will enjoy these too.

Yummy Kale, ready to eat in my garden
It all starts with some Kale leaves growing in my garden.
Here's the recipe, you won't be disappointed.  And they are much more cost efficient with less fat than any kale chips you can purchase at a store.

1 large bunch of Kale or 2 small bunches
1 Tblsp. olive oil
1 - 2 tsp. garlic powder
1 tsp. cayenne powder
1 - 2 Tblsp. grated Parmesan cheese

Throw all of the kale in the sink with cold water.
Swish them around to get off any dirt and bugs left on them from the ground. Or if buying from the store wash off any dirt left behind from shipping and handling.

Rip off all of the leafy parts and leave the tough stems behind to compost.

Layer the leaves onto a baking sheet.
There should be one good layer on the baking sheet nice and thick with leaves.  But do not overlap them too much.

Sprinkle on very little olive oil.  If too much oil is sprinkled on, the chips become very soggy.  So extremely little amount of olive oil is best.
Sprinkle on the garlic powder, as much as you like.
Shake on the Parmesan or Romano cheese of your liking.

Bake in a preheated 350 degree F oven for 30 minutes.

After 20 minutes of baking, they've shrunk but are not quite crispy enough yet.
After 30 minutes, they're ready.  Crispy and ready to eat.
The chips should be brown/green in colour and crispy.
If they're not leave them in a few minutes longer or you may have too much oil on them.
Maybe try a spritz bottle with the oil, that may work better.
Close up so you can see the spices on the leaves and the crisp look of these kale chips
When these little kale crisps are done baking, enjoy their yummy goodness.  They are delicious!
I like to sit in front of the t.v. and enjoy the entire tray to myself.  Which I may have to do before my husband gets to them. Hee hee, ha ha.

Eat Well,

Wednesday, 6 June 2012


Last night for dinner, I wanted a light quick salad.  I opted for the boring romaine and any veg I had laying around.  I chopped up the romaine and added yellow bell pepper, cuc, and tomatoes.  Boring!!!

I've been watching a lot of You Tube videos about Fruitarianism and Low Fat Raw Vegan Diet/Lifestyles and thought I would try a version of one of their salad dressings.  I threw in the blender the rest of the yellow pepper I had.  I remembered that a mango was one of the dressing ingredients, so i threw in a chopped up ataulfo mango.  To add a hint of saltiness, I threw in one chopped celery rib.  And then for some added watery consistancy I threw in  a few grape tomatoes and a bit of fresh dill from the garden.  Blend, blend, blend.  No water needed to be added as there was enough from the tomatoes.

OMG!  This dressing was amazing!  Sweet, creamy, and delicious.   I could have probably eaten the dressing all by itself like a gazbacho.

My husband did suggest to add a bit of red onion.  But little did he know there was NO FAT in this salad dressing at all.  Only fruit and veggies.  As for Chris's suggestion, next time I will try a little red onion.  Maybe it will add another yummy dimention to my dressing.

I turned my boring salad into Extrodinary.

Try making your own salad dressings.  It's quick and easy and LOW FAT!!!
Fat makes you FAT!!!!
Use a dense fruit as the base.  Start with a mango, a peach, some pineapple even.
Add in a few veg like tomato, or cucumber or bell pepper ( any colour )or all of these.
Add in some celery for a bit of saltyness.
Finish with some fresh herbs, dill, basil, mint, etc.
Your dressing can be a mix of fruit and veg or fruit only or veg only.  Although I do recommend adding some fruit, they make any salad taste yummy with a hint of sweet.
Add a small piece of hot pepper if you want an extra little kick.
If you need to, add a bit of olive oil or any vinegar of your choice.  A bit of avacado can replace the olive oil, or a few pecans too.  But I would recommend using only fresh fruit and veggies as these make the dressing low fat and super fresh tasting.
Just blend everything as much or a little as you like.  Start with a few ingredients and work up to more.
The best part is you get to taste as much as you want through your entire new salad dressing journey.  Yum!

I have also tried fruit only dressings..
A whole peeled clementine orange and tomato.
Orange and mango.  Yum!
Pineapple and mango.

But the all sweet fruit dressings, I like to use for my all fruit salads only.

Here's the recipe for my NO MORE BORING SALAD.


1 head chopped romaine lettuce
1 large handful baby spinach
2 mini cucumbers ( these are my favorite, I find the english cuc's have very little flavour anymore )
1/4 yellow bell pepper, chopped
1 tomato, chopped


1/4 yellow pepper chopped
1 rib celery
1 ataulfo mango
6 grape tomatoes
1Tbsp fresh dill


Place all salad ingredients in a bowl.

Place all dressing ingredients in a blender and blend away. You can make it as chunky or as smooth as you like by how long you blend up all of the ingredients.

looking down into the blender.

Pour dressing onto salad and devour.  Yummmmy!

Eat Well,