Tuesday 3 April 2012


Continued from my previous post....
I've done more egg colouring myself and what I've come up with are some interesting results.
I tried the beet dye with 1-1/2 Tablespoons of vinegar and left the boiled eggs in the dye for about 24 hrs.

The eggs did take on some dye, but more of a brown-pink color. Unlike the actual deep burgundy colour of the dye itself.

This was the red cabbage leaf dye.  I made it by boiling about 3 large cabbage leaves in 2 cups of water and letting them soften.  After cooling a bit I poured only the dye into a jar and added the boiled eggs and 1-1/2 Tablespoons of vinegar.  They were in the dye for about 24 hrs.

This one is my favourite.   Wouldn't have believed that purple cabbage could make such a nice  blue. When the eggs first came out of the dye, they were the bright blue colour like the egg to the bottom left of the bowl.  As I let them sit out to dry, they took on more of a teal shade, which I find to be very nice, and interesting that they could even change colours after merely drying. Really cool!

Such a nice yellow tone the turmeric makes.  In this jar is 2 Tablespoons of  turmeric I boiled in 2 cups of water.  I added 1-1/2 Tablespoons of vinegar to  the dye into a glass jar, and placed the boiled eggs in too.  The turmeric settled to the bottom of the jar, so every time I went into the fridge, I gave the jar a twist and gentle shake to move around the colour.

This jar has been moved and shaken so the turmeric solution is all over the eggs.

The eggs were in this jar for about 24 hours and took on a pale yellow hue.  Not as dark as the colour in the jar itself, but still a nice yellow.
I actually expected more of a brighter colour.  These turned out more pastel.

This jar has the about half package of frozen spinach leaves that were boiled with 1 Tablespoon of greens+ powder. I poured the whole works into the jar with the boiled eggs and 1-1/2 Tablespoons of vinegar. These were in the fridge for about 24 hours too.  As you can tell, the eggs still seem very white.

The eggs out of the jar have a very pale dark green colour.  I didn't think the eggs would pick up the dark green of the spinach, as it hadn't dyed the water very much anyway.
But the eggs did still take on a bit of the green.

Here's my bowl of naturally coloured Easter eggs.  Blue, yellow, pinky-brown and pale green.  I guess not too bad considering these are all naturally made.  I really love the blue/teal colour the best.  It came out the most vibrant of all of the colours.  The yellow I like the second best as the color did take quite nicely.
Maybe next year I'll have to try something different to get more vibrant colours to adhere to the eggs. Any suggestions are welcome.

I think that's enough eggs for this year.  Lots to eat!
Hmm.... devilled eggs, egg salad sandwiches, sliced eggs on a spinach salad....
...no problem,  they'll all be gone in no time.

Eat Well.

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