Monday 2 April 2012


What we eat really matters.  Our good health is our only way of living disease free. How we get and stay healthy is all up to us. These videos are such an inspiration to me and what I want my life to be all about.  I have always thought that the skinny model look was the way to be, but today that outlook of myself has totally changed. Today's women don't need to be skinny, we need to be healthy.  And when we are healthy, we radiate with glowing skin, shiny hair, a thin body that's toned and we emanate happiness and purity.  That would be the ultimate woman of today's world in my eyes. Therefore I had no choice but to post these videos here in my blog for everyone to see.
This first video is the trailer from the movie FOOD MATTERS.  Very inspiring.

David Wolfe is a true inspiration in the Raw Food world.  This video is about optimal health and wellness and  how to achieve it all by ourselves.  By the choices we make in life and especially how we eat.
This second video is an interview with David Wolfe. 

There are many more videos about this movie and several interviews that were done with different doctors and health gurus, just go to  and you can see a 40 minute preview to the movie FOOD MATTERS.  You just need to type in your name and email address and your set. 
Interesting and again inspiring.  Especially to hear all about the pharmaceuticals. 
I'm planning on going to the library to borrow this video so I can see the movie in its entirety.
Also I'm wanting to check out the 7lbs in 7 days book by Jason Vale. A book all about juice cleansing.  I love making my own juice in my juicer and I love making my own tasty smoothies in my blender. I'm sure this book will come in very handy and inspire me with new delicious creations.
I'll let you know how it goes......

An example of one of Jasons juices is in the second video below. The first video is about why juicing is so good for us. Jason Vale is very enthusiastic about juicing because it has cured him of asthma, psoriasis and his weight problem.

Eat Well.

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