Wednesday 28 March 2012


What?  Did I read that right?  Pina Colada Ice Cream?
Yup, you sure did!
The only ingredient missing is the rum!  Oh well, it's really tasty anyway.
I created this recipe trying to use up the last bit of coconut milk I had leftover in the fridge. I suppose the proper term for this 'ice cream' should really be 'frozen yogurt', but ice cream makes it sound much more decadent.

I asked three grown, beer drinkin' men (including my husband) to be my Guinea pigs, to try my mock ice cream and tell me what they thought about it.
The response was unanimous.  They all said it was really good.  One of the guys even had to "TRY" it three more times until he said that he liked it.  Ha, ha.
No milk is used in this recipe and it's super easy. This ice cream is gluten free and  vegetarian.  Soy yogurt can be replaced with the Greek yogurt to make a vegan variation.  Try putting a little thawed mock ice cream in a blender with protein powder and banana for a pina colada smoothie.



4 cups frozen cubed pineapple (buy in freezer section of grocery store or purchase fresh pineapple, cube and freeze yourself)
3/4 cup plain Greek yogurt
1/2 can coconut milk (put in fridge to get cold)
1 tsp. or so of grated nutmeg
2 tsp vanilla sugar


Process the frozen pineapple in a food processor until broken down into pea sized bits.

Add in rest of the ingredients.

 Process until the consistency of ice cream.
 You may need to scrape down the sides a few times as needed.

Scrape into a freezer friendly bowl or dish. Cover with a lid or plastic wrap and freeze until ready to eat.

 Or have a treat now if you wish, the consistancy will be like soft ice cream.  The mock ice cream won't take long to be ready, the frozen pineapple speeds up the process.  So yummy ice cream sooner.  Yeah!  Enjoy.

Eat Well.

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